The Darkness Within was a science fiction short story that I wrote during early 2014. It was a story that spoke about an outbreak and the desire for survival. It was indeed a tragic story, and it served as the main conflict. The events that played out in the story were surreal and unavoidable. Thus, the story's environment was built around chaos and struggles.
A year later, I decided to compose illustrations for specific scenes of the story. I focused on the beginning, middle, and ending of the story. Because of these illustrations, I also decided to create my very first book binding using matte boards and laser cutting technology.
There was a time when civilizations split up, and pure hatred was only in the minds of many. Torn by such ideology, humanity would never be the same. The time for individuality remained strong. The heart of greed conquered all. And certainly, the bloodshed of combat reigned for countless eternities. However, this unsettlement was overcome when the Plague of Darkness subjugated the world. Humanity would forever be united, and filled with grief and suffering.
Book Imagery
Composition, Photography
April 2015
Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop